Saturday, April 25, 2015

1st Piano recital in the books!!

I cant even describe how proud I am of Alexis today!

I am {of course} proud of Alexis everyday, but today was just amazing for her!

Today was her 1st piano recital!

She did AMAZING!!!

She did 3 songs and she just blew me away.

For the sheer fact that she JUST started playing, had never picked up a piano book to know what sheet music even is, and to only have 12 lessons!.................

She ROCKED it!

She has caught on SO well and even Miss Bekah {her teacher} is just so proud of how well she has caught on and can read the music!

She is a natural!

No doubt about it!

I would like to say............................ that she gets it from me, but I have never taken any type of instrumental lessons ever! :)

Getting ready to go to the recital! Alexis brought along her 'American Doll' with her because Daddy told her that because she has done so well, that she could pick out a new outfit for her doll! :) {Per her request!!}
She has learned so much from her lesson book!!
Miss. Bekah has been such a great teacher for Alexis! We asked her to continue to help Alexis and she agreed! She has been so patient and knowledgeable toward Alexis! I am so glad Alexis has had such a great 1st teacher to help her love playing the piano!
Miss. Bekah played a couple of songs at the end for us and just played SO beautifully! I cant wait to one day hear Alexis play just like her when she is older!!
This girl played soooo well! She just amazes me! She played 3 songs and did awesome!!!
So proud of her!!
And at the end...these two just had to look at the inside of the piano!

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