Sunday, April 5, 2015

So much Easter fun!

We have had a TON of Easter fun this Easter!

We started yesterday off by making Easter eggs at home to get ready for the remainder of the Easter events we had!

After that we got ready and headed to Aunt Pam's in the now famous 'Rainbow City' to enjoy Easter with my side.  {Alexis and Lily just think that Rainbow City is just the grandest place ever now that both Gran and Aunt Pam live there!!}

We had a long afternoon of cooking out, hanging out, riding the boat, finding Easter eggs and just relaxing...we headed home for much needed bedtime! is Easter!

I asked the girls what happens on Easter and Lily said "Jesus died on the cross." and Alexis finished it by saying "And he disappeared from his 'cave' 'tomb' place!" :) I love that they are understanding the real reason for Easter and I love to hear their little version of it!

After our Easter service, we headed to O'Charley's with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi for lunch. After that, the girls headed to their house to spend some time with them and find Easter eggs while Daddy and I did some much needed errands and washing clothes, etc at home that I have not gotten to do since we have been SO busy! :)
The girls were soooo excited to make eggs!!

And the final result! Lily's on the left and Alexis' on the right!!
Gran had the girls' Easter baskets from her that they opened and enjoyed while we were there.
And...3!!...eggs hunts! Yes, the girls were putting Blake and Meg to work!!
My little Easter bunny! :)
Lily counting how many eggs she got! She kept saying 'Im the winner!' after each hunt! :)
Alexis scored the GOLDEN egg!! She was thrilled! It was sooo sweet! This morning she put that dollar in the offering plate at Church! :)
Two bunnies!
Having fun with some fun things Aunt Pam had! Meet Alexis the bunny!!
OHH Lily! She loves to mess with Uncle Vic....and Uncle Vic loves to mess with her! She kept putting these sticks on him....and her shoe! :) :) :)
The girls begged to go out on the boat! Soooo...Daddy did too and so he drove them around for a little while!
Picking out the Easter present from Nannie! Nannie LOVES these things that sing and dance...and make a lot of noise....and SO does Lily!
Easter Sunday at O'Charleys! Alexis loved her basket after we ate! She got a super cute bathing suit!!
Pawpaw helping Lily open her basket to find her cute bathing suit too! I am sooo excited!!...this is going to be the first Summer that there will be NO swim diapers!! WHOO HOO!!
The girls with Pawpaw!!
And the best attempt I could get of an Easter family picture! Alexis is purposely making a funny face and Lily is whining about not wanting to take a picture! {Welcome to real life!} :) :)

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