Sunday, April 19, 2015

In common....

What does a paper turkey taped to a Sophia the First box, a tiny sombrero, a 'girls' party mixed with Tyler's birthday and the ultimate sugar high all have in common???.............

It was alllll this weekend!! :) :)

We had a packed full weekend with LOADS of fun!! is Daddy's birthday!!

HAPPY birthday to YOU! We looove you!!

We kicked off the fabulous weekend with dinner with the Grogans at Cracker Barrel! We love the Grogans!

Saturday we had lunch at Baja Grill and I TOTALLY suprised Tyler by telling the waiter that it was his birthday! They sang happy birthday to him {in Spanish!!}....gave him the ultimate SMALLEST sombrero ever and wiped the whip cream from the dessert they brought on his face! It was hilarious!!! :)
After our fun filled lunch we headed to the land and I practiced shooting my gun. BOY does my shoulder hurt the next day from it but it was fun practicing! Tyler says I got this one for sure!!! ha!
Sunday and more fun days! The girls and I headed to Birmingham to celebrate Margie's wedding shower at Lana's clubhouse in her neighborhood!
These two girls were super excited about it!!
The shower was sooo cute! So excited for Margie and Blake!!! I could NOT keep the girls away from all the fruit etc!!....major sugar high!{especially for Lily!}
Adorable cookies!!
The cute sign in table!
I just HAD to take a picture! Alexis wanted to sign her name and when Lily saw what she was doing...she HAD to sign hers too!! LOVE love LOVE it!! sooo sweet!! :)
Love all my gals!!
 So cute! She loves her Margie! Cant wait for Margie to join the family! She is just a sweet, beautiful and fun girl!
Then we loaded up and headed for more birthday fun for Daddy! Tyler got to pick where he wanted to eat since it was his birthday! He chose Longhorns because he is obsessed with their steaks! He had the biggest steak I have ever seen! {And wolfed every last bite of it down too!!} Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi helped us celebrate him!!
Then he had happy birthday sang again to him and they brought out this huge thing of yummy ice cream.......................and look who decided that it was theirs!!??!?!
On top of ALL the fruit, ice cream, etc that the two little ones divulged in.............we topped it off by having yogurt after dinner!! OH ME, Lily and Alexis are going to be on a sugar high for weeks!
Alexis drew the ice cream cones and colored the sheet at the top and asked the lady that worked the counter to please hang hers up! {she is so talented!} :)

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