Sunday, April 12, 2015

She is a beauty!

This girl has my heart and she just doesnt even know how much I love her!

I am SO proud of Alexis and her winning Miss Relay for Life, Calhoun County Princess yesterday! She also won 'Most beautiful hair' award too during the pageant! It was voted on by the judges as well as the audience! This little girl of mine is not only beautiful on the outside...but just as much on the inside! And that is what counts most! :)

She did amazing!

Getting all dolled up with Jan! We love our cousin Jan and she did an amazing job on Alexis' hair! It was beautiful!
Little Princess!
Just beautiful!!
The back view! :)
Doing her thing on stage! She did awesome!!
You go little girl!!
Alexis and some of the other contestants!!
Love her expression! She told me after that her dream came true! She said that she had wished that she would win...and she said her dream came true and she did!
Miss Relay for Life, Calhoun County Princess!
So proud! Alexis' great friend {also named} Alexis won her age group!! They were SO excited to both have crowns!!
Aunt Pam came to watch Alexis! Gran and Ben came too but I didnt get a picture of them with Alexis! LaLa, Pam and us went to eat some yummy Mexican after the pageant! I was drained and starving! :)
Alexis loves LaLa! LaLa gave Alexis these beautiful roses! Alexis put them in a beautiful vase and put them in her room as soon as she got home!
These two are my whole world! I never knew how I could love two little ones as much as I do! When Alexis won...I just could not contain myself! I starting crying when she won! :) The emotion just took over!!:)
Alexis loved hanging out with her friend Marissa while we were there!
Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi came too! When Alexis' name was called as the winner....Pawpaw exclaimed that she gets her looks from him! :)
I had to snag a picture with the Princess!!
There just are no words....
True beauty!!

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