Thursday, April 23, 2015


Day 105
Nothing sweeter than seeing this little one run in from school holding flowers that she picked for me! She held those flowers all the way from school to home to give me! :) :) :)

Day 106
OH me these two!! :) :) I look down and see this as we are watching the JSU softball team play against Georgia Tech! {They apparently needed to take a minute to apply lipstick!} :) So sweet!!

Day 107
Love seeing these two sweet girls have fun together! They love hanging out together!
Day 108
Super highlight!! Watching Tyler be super surprised  for this pre-birthday birthday lunch! Wearing a sombrero on top of his hat! TOOOOO funny! :)
{And seeing how happy Alexis is that she got to steal the cherry off of his dessert. As you can see she is eating it as fast as she could in the picture!} :)

 Day 109
Love hanging out with the fabulous girls and celebrating Margie!!
 Day 110
Seeing Alexis working hard and understanding her homework! So proud of her on how well she is doing!

Day 111
Yep, love this guy! We had a great afternoon roaming the wilderness in search of turkies! :) We didnt hear a single one....except I thought we did, until Tyler informed me that it was a donkey!
And by the way, a BIG thank you to Pawpaw for marking the trees on the trail because trying to keep up with long {and I mean LONG} legged, knows his way through the woods and on a mission to get a turkey Tyler, it was hard to keep up and not get lost! Whew! I didnt get lost and we didnt see or hear a turkey, but I still loved hanging out with this guy! :)

Day 112
Happy birthday to ME! :) :) I had such a great birthday day!! I am sooo blessed to get to have another year and thank God for all the blessings in my life! Especially this little girl! She has my heart!!

Day 113
I got Lily's actual pictures in! So cute!! Love her costume and her cute little class!!

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