Monday, April 20, 2015

In memory....

This beautiful girl above just turned 16 in February.

Her name is Keaten Ansley Beam.

Her mother used to babysit Andrew and I during the summer months while we were out of school and I always looked up to her. Her mother also taught me private gymnastic lessons.

She looks just like her mom..........

Saturday night, Keaten was supposed to be spending the night with a friend. Instead, she decided to go to a party.

Well, leaving the party early Sunday morning, at 3:30am, she had a wreck and flipped her Jeep.

She had the wreck at 3:30am and was not found until 5:00am. Who knows what happened in that time frame.....was she even alive then and possibly could have been saved?

Her parents thought she was at her friend's house safe and sound......

She is a beautiful girl both inside and out.....and it makes my heart hurt so bad because she had her whole life ahead of her!.....

Praying for her family and friends and knowing that there is a beautiful new angel above who through her story will help other young teenagers realize the risk of what could happen when they are out doing things and going places that their parents dont know anything about.

When you are 16, have a new think you are SO cool and just can do anything and everything that you want...  and that there just are no 'dangers in the world' or that it 'wont happen to you'....  when you are out 'having fun.' Life is just so short and it just breaks my heart that this has happened and it could have possibly been prevented if she were where she was supposed to be............ and doing what she was supposed to have been doing....

Just in one day of the word getting out about Keaten, the whole community is bringing awareness!

Rest in peace Keaten Beam.................................................

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