Tuesday, April 7, 2015

GOOO JSU Cheerleaders GO!

Tonight Alexis and I went to the JSU Cheer Showcase to cheer on our favorite cheerleaders!!

They are heading to Nationals TONIGHT, after the run-through to get ready for competition on Thursday!

GOOOOD LUCK! Alexis and I are SO excited for them!!

We LOVE LOVE LOVE Miss Leslie! She is one of my students and she is just an all around great girl and such a great role model for Alexis! She is going to be a fabulous nurse soon and getting married and just beautiful! Alexis just is giddy every time she is around Leslie! :) Alexis made the sweetest good luck card for her and gave it to her right before this picture! It was SO sweet! :) :)
Miss Leslie in action!!
The whole squad! They did an awesome job and they will do awesome during Nationals...I just know it! :)

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