Tuesday, April 14, 2015


It has been awhile since I have done Ambereveryday2015! I have had SO much going on lately that I have pretty much been posting everyday! Just livin life ya know! :)

Day 91
 These girls had a lot of Easter fun for sure! Super highlight was kicking off all the fun with their 1st egg hunt of them all at our church!
Day 92
Taking a day off work and doing NOTHING. Well, I did a little bit of stuff...like going to the doctor because of my majorly horrible sinus infection..and I think I washed a load of clothes, but other than that....this is where I stayed! :)
Day 93
Round 2 of the Easter fun!! Nan and Pawpaw's church's egg hunt! The girls had sooo much fun!
Day 94
 Seeing the girls so excited about their finished products! I think they turned out super cute!
Day 95
Easter Sunday! Church with my little family and then Easter lunch with Tyler's side!!
Day 96
Picking up Alexis' dress for her upcoming pageant!! She practiced sooo much in this dress and her shoes to get ready for it! She was super excited about the pageant coming up!

Day 97
LOVE the JSU cheerleaders! Alexis and I went to cheer them on since they headed on to Nationals!

Day 98
 Happy birthday to Brandi! Yummy dinner to celebrate!
Day 99
I got to watch my two little ballerinas on this day!!
Day 100
Rehearsal Friday for the pageant the next day! I love seeing her sooo excited about it!

Day 101
 Alexis looked sooo beautiful!! I was filled with so much emotion for this little one! I know how beautiful she is both inside and out...and I just prayed that she would show her confidence and do well up there!..................and boy, she did! I am sooo proud of her!
Day 102
I just LOVE this little face! She was SOOOO excited about her ballet pictures!!
Day 103
Happy 1st birthday to Aubie! He is such a special part of our family!
Day 104
LOOK!! Her LAST Progress Report as a  1st grader!! {insert tears here!!} She has done SO well in 1st grade and I just can NOT wait to see her just blooming more and more!! All A's for this girl!!!

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