Sunday, November 1, 2015

A haunted Halloween weekend 2015!

It seems like it is a growing trend for it to rain on Halloween for the past several years!........but, that doesnt stop us from having a great Halloween!

We had our Halloween football game and of course we won!! It was the last game of the season yesterday. We still have play-offs to go!

After we had our game, we came home and Alexis took a 2 hour nap since she stayed up all night at Carli's spend the night party. She had a great time hanging out with all of her friends. Mrs. a brave brave woman! :)

I finished setting up for everyone to come over for Halloween and got everything cooked and ready! It was fun that Halloween fell on a Saturday this year! It made it fun that we didnt have to worry about having a bedtime and having to go to work the next day! We also watched Auburn football...even though they lost! :(

Finally Halloween time!

We all enjoyed eating and catching up. The crowd hit early since the rain was coming and we had a huge crowd! It never fails!......we have a TON of trick or treaters come to our neighborhood!

We loaded all the kids up and we started out to trick or treat for a little while before the rain. Luckily, we made it to all of our 'fun' spots...meaning my neighbors who put a lot of decorations out before it started raining.

Since the rain came, we all played 'Halloween Ghost poop' game! OH my! Pam brought this and the gist of the game was to use chop sticks and pick up Ghost poop! {marshmellows} Well, I won...{and beat Tyler} then.....well dang it, Tyler won! :) We had a lot of fun paying that!

Then we all played Pictionary! That was hilarious!!
Oh these girls! So excited to spend the night with each other!!
They had a 'blackout' dance party....poor Fritts, they got no sleep with all of these girls there! So many sweet memories made by them though!
Halloween!! These girls were so excited to dress up for the game and do the Halloween dance!
My spooky witch!
My little witch and her friends!
Party time!...and yummy 'scary' 'spooky' food! :)
Some of the kiddos enjoyed the fun!
Time to go trick or treating!!
SO fun!
The three amigos!
 Alexis loved seeing Christian! Or...Racoon Man! :)
 Loved seeing some of my sweet girls along the way! Raybon, Anna and Carmen!
LaLa came! Lily was thrilled!!
Several neighbors really....REALLY decorate their yards and all these kiddos love it! {This was the point that Alexis wanted to wear my costume instead of hers! OH me, I did not put her ghost on though!!} :)
 The picture above cracks me up because I was actually beside Tyler doing this game too. Matt beat us on this round because he lined all of his marsh mellows up in a straight line and picked them up all at once! {He won, but he cheated because you were suppose to do them individually!!}  :)

Since the rain came, we played! This was SO much fun! Nan and Pawpaw left before we played and they missed out!
Aubie dressed up for Halloween too! :)
And....we clean up nice for Church today! Love my Lily bug!

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