Thursday, November 19, 2015

End of the cheer season Awards Ceremony!

Tonight was nothing but honoring the sweet C-Team and the end of their great season!

We have had a great season and it has been such an honor helping watch the girls grow!

I got emotional while I began speaking about them because all...and I mean ALL of their sweet faces were looking over at me....all down the line..and it just hit me that they are still 'babies' in so many ways, yet in the blink of an eye, they are all going to be grown up!

Whew, it took me a minute to get my voice back. :)

Love this sweet group of girls!
She is so proud of her awards! Checking them out!
Yep, still checking them out! :)
 So proud of her! Not only did she get her 2nd place medal from the Cheer Competition, her Participation certificate and Trophy, she received the 'Best Flyer' award for how hard she has worked and how well she has done being an awesome flyer!

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