Wednesday, November 11, 2015

All I want for Christmas......

Is my two front teeth!!

Yep, Alexis lost her 1st top tooth today! Officially a 'snaggle tooth' :)

It was that time of year when the girls and I headed to the fun ole dentist! {not something Im sure they looked forward to on the day off from school!}

Today is Veteran's Day and because of that, no school today. {sad but true, I still had to work!}

So, Nan and Pawpaw asked to keep the girls so Alexis and Lily had a fun day with them!

They went and saw the new Charlie Brown movie and loved it! They also had fun shopping and playing dress up at their house!

So, where does the 'fun' dentist appointment fit in?

This afternoon Nan and Pawpaw met me and it was now time for the dreaded appointments! :)

I asked the hygienist to come over and talk with me for a minute because I just had to tell her about Alexis' front teeth.

They both were SUPER loose!

Alexis  knew that they were ready to be out but would refuse....and refuse for me to touch them.

So, I had to work my magic and get the dentist on my side! :) {Im good like that!} :)

So, I told the hygienist that if Dr. Lafayette could pull both of her front teeth that I would be soooo thankful!! :) :) She said she would have him look at them!

So, about 10 minutes later she comes walking out to me and says...'It is done!'

I was surprised!

She said that it took her a second to pull her front tooth because it was that loose. She said the other front tooth has about a week left and it will be ready to pull to so she didnt pull that one!

I asked her if Alexis cried or anything and she said nope! She didnt even need me to be back there with her!

I hate pulling I am sooooo glad that I didnt have to do it and that she was fine with having it done there and didnt even cry!!

So, for Christmas.....

she will be singing......  'All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!' :) :)

Lily had a great check-up and did a great job while she got her teeth cleaned!!
 The LAST official picture of Alexis with all of her front teeth! : ) : ) {Insert tears here...she is growing up toooo fast!}
She was so happy that they gave her this cute pink tooth holder to put her tooth in! She is super excited about the tooth fairy coming tonight! :)   Lily cracked me up because she thought her teeth were out too because Alexis' was! haha!!

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