Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Feeding the Pilgrims and the Snow Princess!

We have had a mixture of fun today!

Out of no where....we had a spur of the moment trip to Birmingham today!

Lily bug went to school {I know, bummer right} but only because she was excited about her super fun Thanksgiving party and feast that they were having today!

So, she dressed in all black {because at school they were putting on the Pilgrim attire} and headed to school today!

Sooooo while she was in school, Tyler, Alexis and I headed to Birmingham to ice skate!!

It was an experience! We had SO much fun............and boy, it was a work-out too!

It was Alexis' and Tyler's first time to skate and might as well been mine because I think I went one time when I was like 13!.....

So, we did a lot of slow moves and praying we were not going to fall! :) :)

We did some shopping before heading home to freshen up and get Lily! We then headed to Nan's for dinner with her and Brandi and Pawpaw! YUM! :)

Busy...busy day yet again on our fun week off! Making sweet memories!

THIS girl! OH ME! I told her to smile so I could take her picture before she left for school this morning and she threw her hand up in a peace sign! I asked her what she was doing....and she said...'taking a picture like Sissy!' :) oh me!! :)
The Snow Princess! She would not let go of my hand...and Daddy's hand! She had to have both of our hands! She loved it when we went fast! She really wouldnt try it by herself but said that when she is older that she is going to skate around all by herself! :)
Daddy had a lot of fun skating! He did pretty good for an 'old guy!' :)
The family picture! :) We loved having a special day spent with just Alexis! It was a great day!
This girl is NO drama at all! :) She wanted to pose like this in front of the bear at Bass Pro Shop! :) We enjoyed shopping, looking at all the animals and fish and eating fudge while we were there!
The Pilgrim lady! She made this cute hat at school and wanted to wear it to Nan's house!
Alexis changed her dolls clothes before we left our house so she wanted me to take her picture with her doll! :)
OHHH....these two crazy silly girls!
Pawpaw read the Pilgrim girl a Christmas book! She kept asking him when Rudolph was going to be in the story! ha!

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