Sunday, November 22, 2015

Meet Tickles, Santa and Ella Jingle!

We have hit Thanksgiving break with a BANG!

We are out all week and are just SO glad!!

We had a full family fun day yesterday filled with shopping, lunch, seeing Santa, jumping at The Factory, Auburn football, riding bikes, playing outside, and playing with....


Meet Tickles! She has been with us for over a week and I think it is officially safe to say, she is now our 'porch kitty' as Tyler calls her!

She is the sweetest little thing and so we are glad she is hanging around!

I have put her information on our neighborhood's Facebook page and asked around about her with no luck and she seems to not want to leave our back porch

we have named her, Tyler made her a little house, gave her food and flea treatments....

and made her ours!  :) :)

Also, the girls talked to Santa yesterday and told them all what they wanted so we have conquered that department and I am happy to say...finished with that part too!!

Auburn won!....we had a beautiful weathered Church day today followed by China Luck with Nan and Brandi, so..... so far so great to our Thanksgiving break! :)

Santa! I would say that their picture this year is soooooo cute!!
 I changed the girls clothes in the Mall's bathroom after we ate lunch and then headed to their favorite place! The Factory! They jumped off a lot of energy which is always great for me! :)
We came home to an Auburn win...and a beautiful afternoon to play with Tickles and ride bikes! She is soooo sweet! She is a 'Manx' cat meaning she doesnt have a tail. Lily asked who cut her tail we had to explain it to her on what type of cat she is! :)
She just loves getting love from the girls!
AND...since the girls talked to Santa officially!........... Ella Jingle came!! WHOOO HOO! :) She told them to be nice and no fighting! :)
My littlest turkey after Church!!
Yep, she came up with this pose all by herself! haha!
Giving Tickles her flea pills and new collar! :)

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