Sunday, November 8, 2015

Double the beauties...pageant!

Whew, busy busy busy day!

Lily had her very first pageant today! SO proud of her!!

Today marked Alexis' third pageant and SO proud of her too!

The Babes in Toyland was the name to help benefit the Academy of Dance's road to Nationals.

There was a big turnout to support them and when I saw it posted on Facebook I just knew the girls should do it! :)

For it being Lily's very first pageant....she won 'best dress' and 'best personality' {I think that award was head on perfect choice!!} :) and she placed 1st!!

For Alexis, she won 'photogenic' and placed 2nd!!

SO happy for them!!
Huge thank you to Miss Leslie! She spent the entire day and afternoon with us helping me! The girls LOVED her hanging around with us!
I was a sweaty mess! Love my two beauties!
She did SOOO good! So proud of her!
Look at her! Makes me tear up!
This makes me tear up even more!!
So happy!
My two little beauties!
The best family picture we could get! Oh me! They were beyond tired of taking pictures! ha!
Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi came to watch also! Glad they could come and watch too!
Gran and the girls
Aunt Pam and the girls!
Miss Blaklie was there! They had just been talking about her and how they wished they had their lipstick like hers and then she just came through the door! It was pretty funny actually! Her sister was in the older group! They both lit up when she came over!

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