Friday, November 27, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015!

We had a great Thanksgiving and boy is the week flying by!

I just dont know why if I was at work, the week would drag but when I am out a flies!

We went to Gran's house Wednesday night and enjoyed dinner with Nannie, Hogan, Pam and Richard.

Then yesterday was Thanksgiving!!

I have so much to be thankful for and I am just so blessed! There is always, always, always something to be thankful for even when there is darkness!

We enjoyed the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade before getting ready for lunch at The Classic with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi.

It was packed! There were a ton of people enjoying Thanksgiving lunch there! And, it didnt disappoint as always!

We had just enough time to come home and I cooked up some things to take to LaLa's!

The girls have been so excited all week to go to her house and kept asking when we were leaving every 5 minutes!

We enjoyed round 2 of Thanksgiving food and playing Aunt Pam's games! Yes, Aunt Pam's games are something else...but we all had a lot of laughs which was great!

Now, it is the end of the week and we are enjoying the beautiful weathered day today and soaking up the last little bit before we have to go back to work and school Monday!

Lily and I went to the doctor this morning. Poor thing has an ear infection. We got her some medicine and then planning on shopping for our little girl from the Salvation Army Angel Tree tonight and sending her gifts off for her. Her name is our Lily, and I hope the girls understand that we are helping her have a great Christmas and that Christmas is about giving more than receiving!

Lily enjoying pie and both of them enjoying Monster's INC movie at Gran's Wednesday night!
 Happy Thanksgiving!! Big Turkey!
Little Turkey!
Big and little Turkey! :)
This girl! She is getting too big for her britches!!  A peace sign and 'kissy lips' OH me! :)
My little family of four!
Nan and Brandi with the girls!
They adore Margie! They both were fighting over her lap! :)
This crazy crew. Alexis and Lily really enjoy having someone their own age to play with at family get togethers now!
The girls! :) :)
Look who is back!?!? Ella Jingle has been sad the past couple of days without her magic! Lily touched her several days ago..................and the rule is................... no touching Ella Jingle except for Mommy!, she hasnt been doing anything. Well, Lily wrote a letter to Santa saying she was sorry for touching her and that she wanted Ella Jingle to have her magic back! Well, Santa must have approved because this morning Ella Jingle was in my tree!........and wearing Lily's hair bow! :) :)
She still looks adorable....even in a doctor's office! :)

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