Saturday, November 28, 2015


Day 323
Love seeing these kiddos loving Awana's! They are having such a great time with it! This past night's was 'backwards day!' they wore their skirts high and their shirts the wrong way! :)
Day 324
LOVED celebrating these sweet girls! Love them! {Their Awards Ceremony!}
Day 325
Alexis did great on her conduct grade on her Wednesday folder so she got to do 'cool cash' on Friday! She chose 'wear a hat'....'wear boots' and 'watch a movie at school' for a total of $3.00! :) Lily wanted me to take a picture of her because she loved that her boots matched her t-shirt!  :)
Day 326
Meeting Santa for the first official time this year! So cute! This also was the first Saturday that we didnt have a football game to get to! We didnt know what to do with ourselves today so we loaded up and found things to do! We had a great lunch, shopped, saw Santa and then the girls jumped at The Factory!
Day 327
Sunday and it was beautiful! After Church, lunch and errands, we came home and loved on Tickles! :)
Day 328
Monday FUN day! First official day off for Thanksgiving!!! We loaded up and went back to The Factory to let them play! {Yes, we love this place} and then came home and played outside the rest of the afternoon! It was a perfect day!
 I have TWO highlights on this day!! :) :) Ella Jingle came that morning! She is BACK! And...whew, she has been helping me!! :) :)
 Day 329
Tuesday we had another fun day! Lily had her Thanksgiving party at her school so Tyler and I took Alexis ice skating in Birmingham! We had a great day with just her! :)
Day 330
We are already into day 2 of eating galore...which was nice because on this day before we ate at Nan's and then on this day at Gran's.........but the highlight is THIS! :)....this sweet cat loves sitting under the tree...BUT, this year I am not a nervous wreck because he doesnt care about destroying it this year like he did last year! :)
Day 331
Happy Thanksgiving!!! Thankful for my little family of four!!
Day 332
We had a lazy day on our last Friday before school and work started back. Since I had to take Lily to the doctor for an ear infection...we curled up and did a lot of resting and movie watching! We did go to get special things for our Angel from the Angel Tree later on which was a super highlight too........oh, and eat at Los Mex! YUM! :)
Day 333
Saturday! IT is GAMEDAY....and LOOK what the girls woke up to this morning! Ella Jingle made them Rudolphs!! :) Unlike the last time Ella Jingle did this, this time.............they both thought it was super funny! :) {AND.....Lily thought Ella Jingle needed to make her WHOLE nose red instead of just the she took it upon herself to get the red marker...that Ella left out.. and she colored the rest of her nose!} Oh me, this girl!!  {And, Ella Jingle was SUPER nervous that she was about to be busted because Alexis is a light sleeper and rolled over and therefore Ella Jingle had a big fear that Alexis' eyes were about to bust open and be staring right at her!!} :) :) :)  Whew.....
Remember this! Circa 2012.............yeah, Alexis was NOT a fan of Ella Jingle making her a Rudolph! :)

And of course....has to be another highlight on this day! We are ready for the game! We wear orange and blue around here on days like this!! :) Waaaaaar Eagle!!

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