Saturday, November 14, 2015

We gave it a whirl...and now we are done!

Today marked the last game of our football season.

We didnt win...but the team played hard and the girls cheered hard!

We have had a low key but busy weekend so far and it is only Saturday night!

Gran and Ben took the girls to eat dinner and to meet Santa at the Oxford Mall!

Santa came to town last night for the Holiday season and the girls enjoyed seeing him come in on the train and telling him what they wanted. Even though.....Gran said that once they made it to see him, they both froze. Lily only told him one thing she wanted and Alexis froze and told him two things she wanted. Soooo, right now it is going to be a very...very...VERY small Christmas! :)

This morning we had the championship game in Piedmont against Cherokee County. They beat us by a touchdown right at the end! :(

We headed to the land in Piedmont and the girls enjoyed checking on the cows after the game. We shot some before heading home and doing fun ole laundry and getting started on decorating for Christmas!

Yes, I decided to go ahead and start...I got the fever! It is pretty sad that I worked the rest of the afternoon and got a lot of decorations done, but it didnt consist of any actual trees up. I dont know if that is a good thing or bad thing that I have that much decorations! :) :) :)

Now we are curled up watching movies and football {sad Auburn lost to Georgia today} after enjoying Daddy's famous Chili and having 'snowball fights' with our fun 'snowballs' that LaLa got us last year!

Tomorrow we have Church and then I have to usher my first basketball game of the season tomorrow afternoon! I need another do nothing! :)

 This little chick had fun eating, going to Bath and Body Works and talking to Santa!
 Yes, this girl had a bag full of Bath and Body too
Last time to stretch before the game started! Next year a bunch of these girls will be moving up to the B-Team! Growing up way too fast!
Last run through for the season!
Last pyramid for the season. These girls have done awesome this year stunting with each other!
The girls got so excited to do shoulder sits during the game! :)
Alexis is up on top somewhere! :)
Great group of girls! I have really enjoyed coaching them this season and Im sad that the season is over!

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