Friday, October 26, 2018

A field trip for Lily and a surprise for me!

Lily had her 1st grade Birmingham Zoo field trip yesterday!

She was SO excited for it! Her Daddy had a great trip even if it was a little chilly!

Of course....Tyler took zero, luckily, I snapped these before they left!

My little 1st grader!
She bundled up since it was a chilly morning and day for a field trip..but that didnt stop them from having a blast!
The rain held off, too, so that was even better!
 Flash back to Alexis when she went to her 1st grade field trip to the Birmingham Zoo! :) Circa 2014!
 And...this little sweetie pie met me for lunch! Such a great little surprise to see this happy and sweet baby! OH, he is just precious!

The lighting is bad in this picture...but LOOK at his two little teeth {on the bottom} that he is getting! OH my...he is growing so fast!
OH...sweet sweet baby boy!
He is such a happy baby! OH, I enjoyed seeing him!

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