Saturday, October 27, 2018

Eagle Hoco 2018 & a Halloween bash!

Homecoming 2018 is in the books!

BOY...was it COLD...and just a yucky and overcast day...

but that didnt stop Homecoming from being a success!

Alexis and Lily had the best escorts around too!

She was so excited today was Homecoming! She requested her 'curls' in her hair and glitter spray! {See how much she has is shining on her uniform in the picture, she sprayed SO much! :)} Well...the curls lasted a total of 2 seconds once we got to the game due to the wind! BOO...but they sure were cute at the beginning! :)
Daddy got to escort his little one! She loves her Daddy!
Miss Lillian Grace Law! She is in the 1st grade and it is her 1st year of cheer! :)
C-Team Homecoming Queen! :)
Some of the other Homecoming Queens!
My little cheerleader doing her thing! She has LOVED cheering this season!
Cheering their hearts out....even with it soooo cold outside!
Sweet girls! I have loved coaching them and getting to know them this season!
The cheering section cheering and trying to stay warm! haha!
She LOVES her Homecoming crown! was this cowgirl's turn! They did a new dance today!
Trying to stay warm and getting ready to dance!
 Soooo cute!
 They did so good! They danced with the junior danceline today and did a great job!
Love this picture!
Then..we had to do a mad rush changing process...and then it was time to be introduced during the Homecoming portion!
Sweet Sam-Parker was her escort again this year! Are they not just so adorable! She was so excited to get her flower corsage and he even got her an Auburn hat! She loved it all!
So beautiful!
Miss Alexis Kayte Law. Escorted by Sam-Parker Wagoner. She is in the 5th grade and it is her 1st year of danceline!
They are so sweet!
They did so good!
Having a convo while on the field!
So sweet!
Alexis, SP, Addie and Tripp!
So sweet!
Sweet dancers!
Then, after a full day at the field...we came home...cleaned up and headed straight to Oxford! The dancers had a Halloween party to get to! Alexis was super pumped! They went to the Oxford Trunk or Treat...had yummy food and were going to tell 'ghost' stories! I took Camden with us and Camden's parents are picking up! I cant wait to hear alllll about it when Lex gets home! {Yeah...Gabe is the 'scary' guy!} :)
Coach Randi and Beth went all out on the food and decorations! So cute!
Having so MUCH fun and making sweet memories!

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