Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A long weekend with Daddy!

So the girls were out of school yesterday and today due to Columbus day and teacher in-service day!

Alexis made the comment...'Well, we are going to go to school Wednesday...and everyone will be saying...OH, I went to the beach...I went to Disney World...but that's okay, we hung out at home!'



Well, they didnt do much on their 2 days off...but it was a good relaxing time and working hard with Daddy time too!

Both girls put in some muscle duty and helped Daddy with trimming shrubs....{and as both Alexis and Sam-Parker asked...is that bushes?!} bahaha!

I had to work both days so the girls enjoyed being at home and, of course, still doing dance too!

Up bright and early and ready to help Daddy! He said they did actually help him...some without complaining too much! :) :)
Day 2! Up and ready to go again!
We all met at Momma G's for lunch today since it was their last day of no school! We had a fun lunch before I had to head back to work....and they headed to run errands and home!
Not a very 'high profile' 2 days off...but Im sure they would say they enjoyed their little break! :)

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