Sunday, October 14, 2018

A Sunday bake day!

We had a nice Fall Sunday full of Church....getting some relaxation...

and then dinner at the Messer's to cap off the weekend!

The Messer's had us over and we cooked out chicken and steaks and had sides. It was fun and, of course, all the girls had a blast playing their hearts out together!

The girls and I had a some baking experiences today since Emily said we werent allowed to bring anything, food wise, that they had it all covered! Since I didnt have anything to bring, we baked some goodies to take anyways!!

The girls always love to get in the kitchen with me so we had fun making goodies to take!
They baked the cookies all by themselves...and then decorated them too!
Lily put a ton of 'eyes' on the cookies! She wanted them to be spooky! :) :)
And then we made these! OH me....they were SO good! My house smelled like Heaven, too, so it was a double bonus!
Roasted caramel apple bake for the WIN!
We added the sprinkles and 'scary' eyes for a fun Halloween effect! ha! So fun!
I didnt get a single picture while we were eating! BOO...but, I had my phone up and we just sat and chatted and enjoyed the late afternoon before coming home and getting ready for bed and the week coming up!

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