Friday, October 5, 2018

So this...

So...last night, at around 8:15pm, I get a message from my sweet friend Missy saying that someone is about to call someone else and is she awake?

Well, Alexis had already gone to lay down but was not asleep so about 10 minutes later my phone rings.

It was the sweetest!

When I answered it was sweet Sam Parker on the other end!

He was soooo nervous!

He said 'Mrs. Amber, may I speak to Alexis?' :) :)

So, I walk back to her room and put him on speaker phone and he was so nervous...and she was too...and he asked her to the sock hop and then she asked him to escort her for Homecoming that is coming up in a couple of weeks!

So, when they hung up....

She was bright red blushing and just beaming with a smile!

Her very first boy to talk to her and ask her to a dance!

Sweet memories!

So....then, of course, I text Missy.......  :) :) :)
I hope they have the best time coming up at the dance! Now..I just have to find a poodle skirt for her to wear! :)

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