Saturday, October 13, 2018

A haunted Friday night!

What a fun....and scary Friday night that we had!

The kiddos cracked Tyler and I up the entire night!

At dinner....they were NOT scared at all! They were ready to go to the Haunted Chicken House in Heflin! we were in line, about to go in, it was TOO funny! Alexis and Carli were in tears! Then when both SP and Ben were like why are you crying and scared...they sucked it up! ha! Then as we were walking should have seen SP and Ben's face! SO funny!

Lily was  a trooper! I think it helped that Tyler carried her the entire time...but she said 'It was SO much fun!' :)

Ben spent the night with Sam Parker...and Carli spent the night with Alexis. Carli and Alexis slept with one of Alexis' lamps on.....because they were still scared, even though............they said they werent! :)

We went to Los Mex before and had some yummy Mexican food! These sweet kids had fun eating and chatting! was Haunted Chicken House time! OH my took 15 minutes to just get this picture...because the girls would NOT stand still to take it! ha! :)
A scary family outing! :)
Me and my girls!
This stud helped keep us all safe while being up in the front of our chain line while we were in it! ha!
Arent these two super cute!
Love this little group of friends!
Ready to go!....or actually NOT ready to go! haha!
They MADE it!
They survived! ha! cap off the fun night...a Wendy's frosty for the win! :) :)

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