Saturday, October 6, 2018

Life lately!

BOY..our Saturday was HOT today! WHEW..whew..whew! about scorching! ha! It was a beautiful day, but Fall weather needs to pick up a little faster! :)

We love when we eat with friends! Love this little group!
We had a fun time with this crew at the 1st Friday in Gadsden! We enjoyed dinner and the sites while catching up with the Rays! We got there later than expected because Alexis had danceline practice...{YES...on a Friday night!!} and Lily spent the afternoon with Gran. So, we met up and had a great night! We shutdown the 1st Friday! Literally it was like we were the last ones to leave! :)
Bright and up and ready for some Saturday football today! We had a HOT one today in Odenville! Both C and A teams played awesome today and had great wins!
This one looked soooo cute in her pink out attire!
They all LOVE the pink pom poms during October!
Cheering hard and having so much fun!
The three amigos were ready for their game!
They did awesome during half-time and they learned a new dance to do in between quarters! They were super sassy dancing their new dance and did so good! :)
We came home and crashed after! So, after showers...some rest...we ordered pizza...watched Hocus Pocus and then now watching Auburn! Im not sure if I am going to make it until this game is over! Right now Auburn is beating Mississippi State...but its only the 2nd quarter...and Im tired! :)

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