Sunday, October 7, 2018

A house FULL!

Sooooo today we hosted our Sunday school class and their kiddos, after Church, and OH we had a blast...and OH we had a house FULL!

We all brought a TON of food..desserts...laughs...pumpkins and MORE! :)

We had a great afternoon! And sweet memories made!

We had around 45 people in total between adults and kids! There was only a couple tragedies such as one broken pumpkin....and a marker on the desk seat in the playroom so I count today as a win! :)
This wasnt even all the sweet kiddos in this picture! They all had such a fun time!
I did a little moment about pumpkins and how we are like them in the eyes of God. It was a really quick and fun talk as Tyler carved the pumpkin for me about how God picked us and knows how heart even if we have 'yucky' stuff inside us like the 'yucky' stuff inside the pumpkin. God can clean us up and put His light inside us for us to shine to the world and let others know about God's love!
Having fun...and then it was pumpkin carving TIME!
We were all in competitive mode! haha!
All the Mommies and Daddies did all the carving...yet all the kiddos got credit for the work! :)
This one had so much fun!
And this one took foooorrreverrr to do her pumpkin....because she didnt want to touch it and clean out the insides! OH me! :)
Working hard for the win!
While everyone was busy working hard carving....something appeared!
Some say it was Bigfoot!.................we may never know! :) :)
And...HERE they ARE!
'G' won! Abaigal and Justin Price did that one! 'K' came in Tucker and 'A' came in 3rd by sweet Adalyn {or should I say...her parents!} :) :)
So fun!

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