Monday, October 22, 2018

Smarty pants and a spend the night party!

I am SOOOO proud of my two smartie pants!

They both got their 1st 9 weeks reports cards in on Friday and they both did SOOOO awesome!

We celebrated them by them choosing Yamato for dinner! Then we had a perfection of a Fall night at the Jacksonville High football game before coming home to a impromptu spend the night party with Hope!

Such a fun Friday night celebrating! :)

This girl is doing so great in 5th grade! She is just soaring! All A's and 1 B for this one! 
 This girl is just exploding in 1st! Her reading and spelling and math skills are just outstanding! She got all 'S's!'
 Yamato for the celebratory dinner! Then a great win against White Plains later on!
 Then...these two were 'starving' after we got home from the a late night snack before bed for the win! :)

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