Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Halloween week!

Every year...

on Halloween week...

we wear our Halloween attire!

This year, we are doing it again!

HAPPY Halloween!

We can not wait until our Halloween party and trick or treating tonight! Its going to be SO much fun!

Monday! She was a cute witch {per her!} :) Alexis was too cool for school and didnt wear a Halloween shirt! She said all the ones she WAY too 'babish!' OH boo! She is, for sure, at that age of ....she is too grown for fun anymore! Makes me sad! It wont be long until Lily is the same. BOO!
Tuesday! Lily was a black cat with bones! haha! Again...Alexis did not participate! BOO! :)
We 'booed' sweet Madelyn and Camille and Jackson Green! It is where we got them some cheap and fun Halloween goodies and they both sneaked up to their porches and sat the goodie bag down and then rang the doorbell..........AND THEN took off running back to the car before they opened the door so they wouldnt see them. They had SO much fun doing this and seeing them each 'sneak' up was priceless! Cracked me up!
And...HAPPY Halloween! Today Lily looked soooo cute!
Alexis actually decided to wear a pumpkin shirt today! WHOO HOO! :) :) Happy Halloween from the little Law crew! :) :)
And...of course, I have to check out the Snapchat filters! OH goodness!
Scary! :)

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