Tuesday, May 26, 2020

3 things!

It has been awhile since I have done a 3 things post...and MY GRACIOUS...have things changed since the last one!

I mean....I did one in November!

Never would I have thought that the next '3 things' post would be written in a manner explaining that literally the world has been turned upside down since!

But...it has...

and we are managing...

and slowly things are going back to 'normal' with whatever the word normal means anymore!

So..this post is a little extra special because there will {hopefully} never be another '3 things' post amidst a pandemic!

So....'3 things'.....COVID-19 style!


 1. She is growing faster than a WEED! Like way too fast that I cant even wrap my head around it! While we were at the beach, Lana had me stand right beside Alexis...and she compared us and said that we were pretty much the exact same on all levels. Alexis ATE this UP! Me....well, I have to say...pushing 40 and being compared to 'almost the same' to an almost 12 year old...helped my self esteem a little....but also HURT my heart as it is true! She is as tall as me. Her foot is bigger than mine too! She is just turning into a lady....so fast! She loves it! Me...on the other hand...just wants time to slow down a little but I look forward to watching her grow!...even if it is bigger than me! :)

2. This picture pretty much sums her up right now! She is constantly flipping and singing and dancing or doing some sort of cheer all.the.time.
It is probably because that is all she literally is able to do right now. She loves doing her virtual cheer lessons with her fellow cheerleaders and is working hard in the yard with me to keep her tumbling skills up. And...because she is with Carli, WK, SK and Sydney {allll the time} bike riding, they are up to date on alllll the 'cool' new dances! You can see them all in the backyard doing the moves and it cracks me up!

3. She is about to be in HIGH SCHOOL and she just cant think about anything else! She is pumped! She just cant wait to 'grow up!' I remember thinking the same as her! It was all an exciting time!


1. This girl in this picture! She will crack you up with her words...her mannerisms...just it all! There is never a dull moment with her and if you are having a bad day....just see Lily! Now....she has her grumpy and stubborn moments....let me state...but for the most part..she is just so happy go lucky! Her laugh is contagious and her creativity is so fun! It has helped so much for her to be like this especially during this pandemic we are in and are 'trapped' at home with nothing to do!

2. She has become such a picky eater! Now...she hasnt always been the best but it has gotten to a whole new level...it seems...lately! Dont ask her where to go eat! EVERY place is 'nasty' and she 'doesnt like it!' Never fails! NEVER fails! But..when we get to said place....she'll say..'Oh YUM..this is so good!' or something along those lines every.single.time. The craziest thing..though...is she will eat 'weird' things such as potato chips on her grilled cheese {though she says her grilled cheese is 'nasty' but she loves grilled cheese and eats them at one place...but the next place..she wont} or ketchup on her mac n cheese! So strange! ha!

3. She has brought out some new talents in this pandemic we are in such as she is a HULA HOOP Queen! Yep....that girl can keep a hula hoop up for hours! She just does it sooooo effortlessly!  She makes it look soooo easy! Meanwhile...Alexis and I {both} will try and top her....and fail every time! ha! She is good! REAL good! She can even do it on her arm...or around her ankle. She can do it all with 2 at at time...or 3. She is REAL good!
She also has developed speaking in different languages! What I mean by this is.....whenever Aubie..and especially Soccer come around her....she starts talking in her 'different language' as we call it!
She'll say 'Come here 'jabuddy'' to Soccer! I cant even type how she sounds and how she says it but it is soooo funny! OH...it cracks all of us up!

3 Things for Daddy:
Well...turkey season is over...he got a BIG number 4 this season and was super pumped about that!
He is still working even during this pandemic. It hasnt slowed him down much!
He has been soaking up family time in between it all too!

3 Things for me!:
 Well..Im still working from home and trying to juggle it all! I feel I am surviving!:)
I am soaking up being outside with the girls and I even have a little tan to prove it!
Loving that it is Summer as it is my favorite, favorite...favorite!! :)

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