Saturday, May 23, 2020

Cheers to Summer and a missing tooth!

Soo......we are SUPER excited school is out and SUMMER is here!

Oh...we LOVE Summer!

So, what have we been up to, to celebrate the end of school....and a nice long holiday weekend coming up!?!?

Sit back...and see!

So...this happened!
First it started out that the pump was messed up on the dishwasher. I had washed a load of dishes and when I went to unload...the bottom was full of nasty water!.................
Which led to this!.........................yeah...downhill slide! That led into a HUGE water leak that flooded most of the kitchen which meant we had to clean up all the water...dry out everything too! Which then led to us having to get a new sink faucet!
It has been the craziest of things while we have been in this pandemic for 'things messing up!'
Let me just list them!
1. Laundry dryer. Tyler thought he could fix it. Tried really really hard. Took 2 days trying. Realized, we needed a new one. Big $$$$
2. Freezer in fridge. Tyler didnt know what was going on with it. Tried to fix. Called a friend and he suggested some things to do. Tyler fixed! Thankfully no $$$
3. Ice maker in fridge. Related to the freezer. Tyler worked wonders...fixed. Thankfully no $$$
4. Air conditioner unit.  Wouldnt cool. So hot in the house. Tyler couldnt fix. Friend came and fixed hole in the coil. Semi big $$$
5. Garbage disposal. Hole in it some crazy way. Water leaking everywhere. Could not fix. $$$$
6. Dishwasher pump. Tyler pulled it out and got it fixed! Thankfully no $$$
7. Sink faucet. Broken and could not fix it. $$$$
8. Trees. Trees. Trees. We have soooo many trees! When the storm hit several weeks ago, we determined we needed trees cut. Guy is here today, actually, about to start. $$$$$$
So, needless to say, we have not gone anywhere or done really anything...thinking we have been saving money during this time as everything has been closed down,etc, but...actually we have spent a chunk here lately...just trying to fix everything! There is always..always..always..something to be thankful for, least we have been home and not as busy to get it all done and see all the water too! ha!
CHEERS! This was yesterday! We celebrated it being
1. Friday!
2.A looonnggg holiday weekend!
3. The fact that I found out yesterday afternoon that I am going to continue working from home the month of June and then a good bit in July! I cant wait to soak this time up and cherish the opportunity because it may never come again! Even in times of sadness and  uncertainty, there is good. You may have to look a little closer to find the good....but it is there! So, cheers!
And....this one lost her 5th tooth! She was super pumped that the Tooth Fairy was coming! She woke me up at good ole 5:45am....on this beautiful Saturday tell me the Tooth Fairy came! Oh happy day! :)

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