Sunday, May 31, 2020



what is normal!?!

Who determines what is normal???

To me, I guess I would say that it is what we feel comfortable with, what we do daily that provides structure for us, that fills most of our days. Normal doesnt make us 'stressed' as much...normal doesnt 'change'...normal is 'safe.'

I have to say, these days defining the word normal, in our world, is just hard to do!

The best advice I can say, though, is.....whether a situation is 'normal' or not, to give it your best shot, roll with the punches, and give it to God that he will help see it through with you.

That is exactly what we are doing these days!

We have not been to Church {in the sense of the building} since March. It is May.

Today we got back to 'normal.'

Sitting in the pews made me realize that, yes, I do love our Church, I do love how getting 'back to normal' is something that everyone is wanting...but what is actually so wrong with our 'new normal?'

When we are able to go back to everything being 'normal,' I am ready to put everything into perspective and decide what 'normal' I want to go back to!

The world these days is just a sad...sad...sad...time!

Between the virus, and ALL the affects that it is causing and the fact that we still do not have a handle on it to now all the riots with the sad instance of George Floyd's death is just heartbreaking. All the 'Black Lives Matter' riots and violence is just mind blowing as well that I just dont know what is happening in the world. We are in very scary and uncertain times and hate is just so big right now that is just makes me so sad!

Now, dont get me wrong, what happened to George Floyd is just wrong......BUT....I truly believe it had nothing to do with the fact that he was black. My opinion, that cop would have done what he did no matter if it were a white person or a yellow person. He is just a mean and horrible cop/person. It is proven as you research other instances that he has been involved with throughout his career. Does he deserve a murder charge. 100%. Does Floyd's death justify allllll the looting and vandalism and hate that is happening literally all over the USA......NO! NO! NO!

It is just sad...sad times we are living in right now!

We need God more than ever right now!....

So, that is why we went to Church and sat in our 'usual' spot today and it did my body good! Now, I have to say....doing Church online has had it's perks. We have truly enjoyed being at home as a family and watching it together without the pressure of having to get ready and rush out. We can watch it as a family and pause it when needed to answer questions that the girls ask, etc. But, today, I felt...we needed to have the comfort and the warmth of our Church and it was just what my heart needed! Today was the first Sunday that the doors are now able to be open now that the restrictions are lowering concerning COVID-19.

It was a good day!

Not only has the week {end of May} been filled with violence, hate, pain, has also been filled with hope, happiness and love!

Love is always greater than hate and I choose to see that instead!

This week SpaceX launched into space! It is the first time since 2011 that the US has launched and it was successful and sooooo wonderful to see! We have been keeping up with it and cant wait to see their final landing which will be in about 6 weeks!


We got a surprise call from Meg and Chase last night and THEY ARE engaged!


We are sooo excited for them and welcome Chase into the family with open arms!

There is always..always...something to be thankful for...and goodness, love and happiness is it!

Allll the hate. All the is just horrible. People are angry..people are is understandable. BUT...what is happening is not making a point, it is dishonoring George's name and not helping to make a stand for what happened to him.
100% justice for Floyd. However, 99% of the people protesting are not doing it to make the world better for what happened to him, it is truly a sad time.
Not all cops are bad. Not all blacks are bad. Not all white people are racists. There is good if you choose to see it.
No words.
SO exciting! HOPE in the world right now. We all need it. All thirsting for it! THIS is it! Prayers that it is successful and they make it back home!
There is a meme floating around on Facebook and I cant say I disagree with it. It says...these guys decided to leave Earth. Good choice right now. With everything going on....leaving Earth is not a bad thing!
I cant say I disagree!
AND.....LOOK! Look how happy our Meg is! LOVE!
This is what the world should be like!! The greatest of them all!
Today was the day! Since March we have not entered this building. It was much needed and good for the soul!
This is a horrrriiibbblllee picture! Wrong angle....bad lighting and I was not ready as Tyler literally snapped one picture and was done. mark today....the picture stays! :)
The pews werent full like 'normal'......and we had special instructions and new protocols....where to sit, etc....but, Church was exactly the SAME as we remembered! :)
We had another first of eating at Jeffersons! We havent been but to a couple of restaurants as we still have been low-key and eating at home. We were surprised with the lack of tables {to help with social distancing} and ALL the dollars are gone now! We used to love coming and the girls going and seeing their dollars they wrote on and hung up from years ago. Always something we would do. normal, dollars are gone but same good food and atmosphere!
And..this is a better picture! :)
The other side of the table! We loooooved their fried dill pickles as we have not had them in moooonnnttthhss! OH YUM! Just what our bellies needed and loved! Ha!
A perfection on a Sunday!
Here's to the last day in May too! May has gone by pretty fast..but I have to say...Im ready to keep trucking on and things keep/start getting more and more 'normal' in whatever that means anymore!

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