Sunday, May 24, 2020

Our looong weekend!

It's Memorial day weekend!

Usually we are traveling somewhere...doing a fun little getaway on the first 'official'....well...'unofficial'...weekend starting Summer!

Last year we had a great trip with the Messers and Rays to Auburn! The year before that we were at the beach with La La!

This year...we are staying home...staying 'low-key' and just soaking up the beautiful weather!

We always love to do a picnic at the park when we first get out of school! We do it every year as it is sort of a tradition!

Well...this time..on our 1st picnic...Daddy came with us!


we changed things up and rode our bikes to the park and ate and then continued riding to Turtle lake before riding back home!

It was

We capped off today with the best grill out EVER! We played outside....grilled out fish and corn and make our famous...and yummy...homemade guacamole and then had a hula hoop challenge!  The best!

Im pretty proud of myself! I took this picture while riding my bike! Ha! We LOVE riding the trail!
Stopped for our picnic lunch! So fun and such sweet memories made!
Checking out alllll the turtles! We love to see how many are out and counting them! There were alot out today just relaxing on the stumps and limbs!
OH YUM! Tyler has mastered the art of the grill! Grilled corn....and fish....the BEST!
Ended the night with smores bigger than her head! :)

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