Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Alexis' end of 6th grade-Class of 2026!

Though 6th grade didnt end the way we had thought with an end of the year graduation, big moment of soaking it in that she is moving to the High school....it was low key but special!

We had her 'end of the year' drop off to see her teachers, get her class shirt and get her awards!

So proud of how hard she has worked this year and it has showed!

Look at these awards!

ALLLL A's baby! SO beyond proud of her! She worked hard and shined this year!
Perfect attendance too!
I am sad that she didnt get to show off her awards during Awards Day...or have 'Senior' Graduation, but none of that matters, we still celebrated her and are so proud of her!
We went to Baja with her group of friends and their families to celebrate after! It was perfection!
Class of 2026!

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