Saturday, May 9, 2020

I've lost track!


this week I have just lost track!

Lost track of my time and my days.

I have gotten to where I have to think...almost everyday...multiple times a day...'what day is today?'

Then...I think...'okay...we have to do this...and this....and sign in to this...etc'

So..this week I just lost track!

We have been doing our new normal. There hasnt been anything 'out of the ordinary' that has gone on just being super busy with Summer classes starting next week....doing Science reports/presentations and just trying to make it through with my sanity some days too! ha!

This week...we heard from Governor Ivey. She has loosened the 'Safer at Home' act so come Monday we can have larger than 10 people gather in one place. All shops, hair salons, etc are NOW open though they have to only be at 50%. Still better than being closed! There are still 'rules' we have to follow but this is better news and alot of businesses are beyond thankful!

YOU better BELIEVE Sarah was on speed dial! She is my hair girl....and OHHH Im ready...SO ready for her to cut and highlight my hair! Goodbye roots! IT is coming....WHOO HOOO!
Tyler has been in more despair with having not had a haircut in months so he is beyond ready! He texted Sarah before I did about getting an appointment! ha! He is even getting his hair done before me! ha!

Now, dont get me wrong, we are still going to keep our 6 feet distance and not go shopping right now. The virus is still really bad. There are thousands of cases and deaths. It is a sad time but there is light that our world is going back to being able to 'survive' with business not having to shutdown as they can open back up. The economy can start rebuilding so that is great. We are still going to take things slow but glad Ivey has made the decision for Alabama to 'reopen.'

We had Cinco de Mayo this week! How funny is it....we celebrated Cinco de Mayo....on a Tuesday {Taco Tuesday} but not able to go into a Mexican restaurant due to a pandemic virus..that is so called Corona! How ironic! ha!
So to celebrate this historic day....Tyler and I had a date night!


We locked the girls inside {not really...but I would have loved to} :) as they ate their Baja take-out while Tyler and I sat out on our back patio and chatted and had our date while we ate! It was a beautiful afternoon and a perfect Cinco date!

It has been pretty chilly this week especially for May. And for May, pretty much down right freezing so we havent been outside as much as we would normally so that has been a bummer but we have gotten our monies worth of Netflix and have binged watched all kinds of movies and series! ha!

And today, we went to a funeral. The times we are in. All events such as birthdays and funerals are just hard. Luckily because Ivey issued the looser restrictions starting Monday...the funeral home didnt fully enforce the 'rules' so Mr. Fritts was able to have all of his friends and family be at his funeral. We all kept our distance and didnt shake hands, etc but so glad everyone got to pay their respects to him. Big prayers for Mrs. Bobbie, Ryan, his brother and their family! We love the Fritts family and sad they had to endure this especially during the pandemic.

Tyler and I havent gotten dressed up in months! Literally months! I have not worn 'real shoes' in months! They have consisted of flip flops and crocs for me lately so today....we had to have a picture! Though it was not an ideal moment that we were dressed was nice to feel like we had a purpose to do it!

I have to say, I am loving my tan! I have FOR SURE used my quarantine time the right way! Soaking up allll the vitamin D I can and loving it! We have loved being outside and I have loved being able to work from home even though it has been hard a times...or multiple times... :)

This afternoon Tyler will be grilling out and us celebrating Mother's day a day I am looking forward to that...even though I will be inside because it is chilly out there! :)

I say we clean up pretty well! 

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