Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Her 6th grade year!

Her 6th grade year has come and gone!

Just like that, she is heading off to High school in the Fall and to say she is pumped is a huge understatement!

If feels like in a blink of my eye she went from a tiny Pre-K little girl to a girl that is literally bigger than me {legs, shoe size, NOT height (like she thinks! :)} that is done with Elementary school!

She has had great years at Kitty Stone and it will be sad that she wont be there next year! She has grown so much as a girl and has had such wonderful teachers, each year, that have loved her, pushed her and helped her be the best version of herself and have helped develop who she is today!

She has met sooooo many sweet friends and I have loved seeing her little friend group form! She has had some sad times, as well, but through those times, she has grown and overcome! She has had her fair share of 'think about it's' and 'Alexis needs to not talk as much' moments thrown in there too! :)

She has been Eagle of the Month! She has had so many 'Soar cards' to count of good deads she has done! She has met her AR goals, she has excelled in her STAR tests and more during her time at Kitty Stone! She has had boy crushes and a boyfriend or two also! She has lost teeth at school by her sweet teachers pulling them. She went through a time {in 1st grade} of not wanting to brush her teeth...and thanks to wonderful teachers, they helped me get her back on track! :) She had the best time at her Daddy/Daughter dances with her Daddy.....and her friends! She has enjoyed sooo much school musicals and performances! She had a blast with her friends at the 6th grade 80's dance! There has just been sooo many sweet memories to cherish and hold on to!

I cant wait to watch her continue to shine and see allll the awesome memories yet to come for her at JHS!

We are ready!

But first...Summer! :) :)

Saying goodbye to Kitty Stone!

So many sweet memories during her years here!
Hello JHS!
She is sooo excited that she made cheer!
Here comes the sun! She is full of sunshine!
Class of 2026! Just WOW! It will be here before I know it! Just crazy!

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