Monday, November 30, 2020

Her 1st basketball game!

 Well...we were not supposed to have a basketball game....or should I say games {3} today but late yesterday night, we got a message that we did. So, instead of her first game being Thursday, it was this afternoon!

Alexis said that she loved cheering for her games! The Eagles looked great and the 7th grade boys and girls won but the 9th grade didnt pull a win against Saks. It was fun watching them and weird cheering against my alma mater!

We will do it all again...Thursday...............and Friday too! :)

Here's to basketball season! grown does she look!

Cheering and cheering!
Go Eagles!
This squad is a great team with each other! Love watching them!
Great job!

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Back in the grooooove

 Well..our Thanksgiving break is coming to an end. It has been a great week off and we had much needed relaxation time and family time!

The girls and I had a fun shopping and 'girl' day to Douglasville Mall the other day, we have watched a ton of Christmas movies, we have spent time with friends and family too during our week!

Last night we enjoyed catching up with the Rays and the Messers........all the while.......Auburn got their butt kicked by Bama. My goodness it was really bad so thank goodness I really didnt watch any of it to have to endure the pain because I was too busy chasing kids and chatting! :) To top it off and make it worse, Saban tested positive again for COVID {apparently the 1st time was a false positive} so this time...he really couldnt coach so not only can those Bama fans say that they beat Auburn...they are also saying...yep...even without our Coach...they won. 

Uggh!! :)

Our last day, today, has been spent at Church and lunch before the storms roll in and before it turns down right COLD this week! Yeah...not looking forward to how cold it is supposed to be. I HATE winter! :)

They were contained for a little bit so I had to take a picture! ha! They always love to hang out up there. They think they are cool to get to crawl through to this area!

My Christmas model today before Church!
Ready to go to Church! My beautiful Lily!

Her 1st school picture as a 7th grader in HIGH school!

 This has been a big year for Alexis. She has loved being 'big' and in 'high school!'

She is just growing up so fast!

As we are gearing up to go back to school, this week, she found her picture proof that will be in the yearbook! 

Alexis as a 7th grader!

{I dont think this child has had an 'awkward' picture YET to be made of her! MY goodness....some of my school pictures are embarrassing!  ha!}

Friday, November 27, 2020

Christmas at home...

 I looooveee when my home becomes sooo cozy with Christmas decorations! It is my favorite!


to...our living room!

I just love changing up this tree each year! I am loving this look this year!
I LOVE this gold tree! It is perfect in this spot!
I wanted to have a green..cozy..warm...feel for the mantle this year!
I love how it turned out!
Changed up this tree....too...and I love it!
This tree has my most favorite ornaments on it! I just love each ornament for its own reason!
Dining room is always one of my favorite rooms! I just love the little Christmas town that Nannie gave me several years ago. It's Lily's favorite too! She loved helping me set it up!
My model that usually takes pictures by everything with me....was being lazy this morning! Caught her curled up on her IPAD!
See another model in this picture! Aubie! :)
And...our newest model in the family! He blends in with the basket! :) Our home feels so Christmas and I just love it!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

 There have been government people telling us Americans to cancel Thanksgiving. To not gather in large groups. To not do your traditional Thanksgiving memories.


that is the times we are in right now.

There are actual memes on Facebook that say: 

Soooo....ya know...2020 has come with some crazy times and just days that plain stink. I have to say, I feel this day and time that everyone should realize that we for sure are not guaranteed tomorrow and should make those memories and have that family time but..{all while still keeping a distance and being safe} just hasnt been that easy these days...

We didnt get to have our normal 'big' Thanksgiving with everyone {LaLa, her crew, Pam, her crew, etc} but hopefully it will happen Christmas!

I didnt take many pictures...I didnt even think about it....but we enjoyed a yummy Cracker Barrel meal with Gran, Ben and Andrew last night for Thanksgiving. It was SO good! We sat around and chatted, 'hung out' {in Alexis' slang} before heading home to crash!

Then today was Thanksgiving! We enjoyed watching the Thanksgiving Day parade in NYC. It was just SOOOO crazy watching the parade knowing how NYC is right now. It just breaks my heart! I just love NYC and to know that it is basically a closed down deserted place just is horrible! Thankfully NYC still held the parade {pretty sure against NYC's governor choice} but it was just so different watching it this year! No huge crowd. No huge groups of people pulling the giant balloons along. Not university or high school bands. BUT...they made the best of it. Had local NYC action that participated. They had some balloons {flown/tied to trucks/trailers}  Everyone shown had on masks. They social distanced and made the best out of the situation. Thankful that it was still something to bring happiness and some type of 'normalcy!' 

We got cleaned up and ready and enjoyed eating at Nan and Pawpaws. Brandi and Ted's sister came to eat with us. It was good to catch up with them and eat Nan's good cooking. We spent the rest of the day at home just relaxing and enjoying the beautiful day it turned into!

I am SO thankful for my little family and though 2020 has brought some trying times, I am thankful for what good changes and down time it has allowed. There is always...always..always...something to be thankful for!

My 'pumpkin' cheese ball! needed a little longer to 'set' before making it into the 'pumpkin' so it looks a little flat....but hey, it was still delish! ha!

Alexis....yeah, her eyes are bigger than her stomach! ha! Look at that spread!
I thought to grab a living room shot! ha!
My 'littlest' pumpkin and me!
Daddy asked.....if they wanted a 'Thanksgiving s'more!' They didnt care they were already in their pjs...close to bedtime! :)
Lily was tooooo busy eating to stop and smile! Thankful for the memories and great Thanksgiving..even if we are in a pandemic!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Wordless Wednesday!

 A little great prayer on this Thanksgiving Wednesday!

Monday, November 23, 2020

Kicking off our Thanksgiving break!

 We have made it to Thanksgiving! Whooop whooop!

I have been counting down to this break for months! ha! 

It is always a great feeling when the semester is ending and the holidays are is just fabulous! This year it means even more and a greater feeling as I {and Tyler} are actually taking classes of our own so the semester ending is bringing on a whole new meaning for sure!

Saturday we spent the day soaking up the fact that we were officially OUT! ha! It was a beautiful day so we soaked it up enjoying being outside and working around the house and doing last details on the Christmas decor! Cant wait to post pictures! Coming soon! :)

Tyler and I had a date night and enjoyed having a kid free conversation while we ate and then bright and early Sunday morning......we kicked our finals in their tails! ha! We literally worked from 8am until 4:45 on both finals...and got them D.O.N.E. {Insert allll the praise hands!!} 4 papers! WHEW!! Yep...but...D.O.N.E. {shall I repeat it!} :) :) that those are out of my way...I can enjoy my week off and not have to stress over getting anything completed! Today was full of ortho appointments...ya know...all of that fun stuff that you put off and do when you are out of work! ha! Tyler enjoyed a dermo appointment and then did some deer hunting so his day ended on a good note! 

I would say that so far....our break is going fabulous! :)

My view! Luckily the view with my Christmas tree and a candle burning on the other side....helped! Ugghh.....loads of fun I tell ya! I am proud of us....though for buckling down and working hard! :)

Seeee....Tyler is over there! :) :) Working harrrrrddd too to do his 4 papers! So proud of his hard work...even if he had to take a couple more breathers than me to get through! :)
And....this one.....I have to say....he has been super curious...hence....the picture...BUT...he has been soooo good with all the decor! I was super worried because he is one BIG BALL of energy....but he is a good buddy! :)
This afternoon...these two...Camille and Madelyn came over once we were back from allll of our doc appointments to play for a little while! I love this picture though they both are blurred because they were all dying laughing while they were playing and playing together! :) I love their friendship!

BIG news as Santa promotes Kennedy!

 BIG news that our family is growing again!

We just welcomed Reese.....will be welcoming baby Hank {from Margie and Blake} and then in June.....

a baby brother or sister for Kennedy!

So excited for them and cant wait to meet him or her come June!

I see Kennedy....but OH MY..... I see Mitchell a TON in her from this picture! :)

Loooookkk how happy this sweet girl is!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Monday, November 16, 2020

A chilly but low key weekend!

 We had a low key weekend full of Christmas decor and Lifetime Christmas movie watching!

There wasnt really any football on this weekend so cheesy Christmas movies on Lifetime was just what the doctor ordered! ha!

We had a big dinner at Nan and Pawpaw's yesterday night to kick off the week too! 

Do you spy Tyler? ha! He was a big help with getting our big tree up! Pictures coming soon of all the decor! I love changing up what I do each year {I say it every year} but this year is my favorite! :)

It was such a beautiful weekend so Alexis and WK went with her Mom to hike Bald Rock! They had the best time!
Then the Soriano girls came over and this was my view the rest of the afternoon!
They had no idea I took these pictures! They were cracking me up with all their dance moves/videos they were making!

P and Lily had fun playing too! Pearson is still really into baby dolls so they enjoy pushing the strollers around and taking care of their babies when she is over!

Friday, November 13, 2020

Lily's last soccer game...season is a wrap!

 Lily had a great season this time! She was SO happy to be able to play and get back out on the field since it was cancelled due to COVID in the Spring! We dont know what the future holds as to if there will be a season this coming Spring {since it seems COVID cases are rising even more than expected to fall} so we are thankful she got this season in to play!

We trekked out to Heflin last night as they have been coming to us every other game! I dont know how they have done it each week...twice a week...but they have!

Lily played two games. They tied one and lost the last one just because they were tired! They played great!

Lily has loved her team too and playing with friends!


GAME faces! Coach DJ has his hands full! :)
Love my number 3!
These two! They are two awesome soccer players and I cant wait to watch them kill the field if they continue to high school together!
These...we call the dynamic 3! These 3 girls can whoop any of those boys out there! And I am not just saying that! Lily, Elyn and Kayley! {She is in 2nd grade!}
Lily played goalie for a little bit and said it was fun! ha! Great season! Fun watching them!

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Back to regular programming!

 TODAY is the DAY....Lily is OUT of quarantine!

NO nothing! Praise!

From what I know, all of her friends/classmates have been good too and Mrs. Real is on the all is well!

Lily and I have enjoyed our quarantine and have made the best out of it though I know she didnt prefer to do the virtual learning and she missed her friends and going to school.

It feels 'weird' to be back in the office today....though I am not hating it and love what I do and my co-workers so its been good!

Last day of quarantine for this one! Alexis was out of school, yesterday, too because school was closed due to Veteran's day! So......check out the scenery behind Lily in this picture...........

and...........look at the scenery now! ha! First day back to school! Back to regular scheduled programming today! Callie was SO excited to walk through the door this morning! She said....'It's good to be back!' ha! They were excited to be united again!

Notice the Christmas tree behind them!......YEP....yesterday we did some decorating and got started putting things out! Both girls did their trees and I did some. Going to tackle the rest this weekend especially since pretty much all football games are cancelled due to one or the other teams out with COVID. Auburns game is cancelled.....BOO!! we shall decorate for Christmas! ha!

Lily has her last soccer game tonight yep, back to regular programming! :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Wordless Wednesday!

 This is a good one! Love this and puts things into perceptive! 

Monday, November 9, 2020

A beautiful weekend and starting our 2nd quarantine week!

 We had such a great weekend! The weather was perfection! We literally stayed home and did pretty much nothing and it was fabulous!

Sunday afternoon.......this biker crew just had to get out and enjoy the day so we had a late picnic and rode the trail! It was so much fun! Lily and Caroline being quarantined together has been a huge blessing because they have facetimed each other, etc and it has really helped Lily to not be alone during this! And since both of them have been without any symptoms, etc the rest of the crew wanted to see them so we social distanced and enjoyed the outdoors by biking and having fun!

It was much needed!

Courtney and Carrie met us because they walked so Alison and I took allll the kids because they all rode!

Soaking up the afternoon!
Love that we are so close to ride the trail from our house! I just love it!
Then later on last night....Alexis and I got cleaned up and went to support the Varsity during the competition showcase. They are headed to qualify for state today in Birmingham! Alexis was pumped that she got to spend the night with Savannah and have an excused day out of school to go support and cheer them on! I hope they make it to state as I am sure they will do great today! we are back at it! ONLY two days left and we have already knocked today OUT! So now just tomorrow and no more quarantine! WHOOP WHOOP! Both girls are out of school Wednesday for Veteran's day so we will soak up the day with NO school activities and then be back in action Thursday!

Today Lily got to meet her friends and Mrs. Real again to gear up for the week! LOADS of fun finishing homework the rest of the afternoon after the meeting!...........but.........we made it and finished!