Wednesday, November 4, 2020

A quarantined life

 Lily and I have been making the most out of quarantine. Today is Wednesday and it has officially been a week since she was 'exposed' far so good with signs and symptoms! I pray it continues!

Yesterday was...GET OUT AND

so I did my duty...............and Lily did hers!............she had to help me clean! ha!

We dont know who is President yet. Per the was the biggest voting turnout in history so between Biden and Trump, who will it be!?

The nation is on the edge of its seat....literally waiting to find out!

I waited in line..maybe 5/10 minutes. It was not bad at all. Now on the news.....I saw where most all other voting areas had 2 1/2 hour waits! Crazy...but great that everyone is voting!

My little worker bee! We have had great days so far! Making the best of it! She helped me clean....then we worked on her schoolwork and then she played outside for a little bit as the temps warmed up and it was a beautiful day around 1:00pm! Love her so much and glad she has a good attitude about everything! She even sent a sweet voice message to Mrs. Real telling her she hopes she is feeling better and having a great day! She replied back that she was in tears from the sweet message and that it made her day! :)

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