Monday, November 23, 2020

Kicking off our Thanksgiving break!

 We have made it to Thanksgiving! Whooop whooop!

I have been counting down to this break for months! ha! 

It is always a great feeling when the semester is ending and the holidays are is just fabulous! This year it means even more and a greater feeling as I {and Tyler} are actually taking classes of our own so the semester ending is bringing on a whole new meaning for sure!

Saturday we spent the day soaking up the fact that we were officially OUT! ha! It was a beautiful day so we soaked it up enjoying being outside and working around the house and doing last details on the Christmas decor! Cant wait to post pictures! Coming soon! :)

Tyler and I had a date night and enjoyed having a kid free conversation while we ate and then bright and early Sunday morning......we kicked our finals in their tails! ha! We literally worked from 8am until 4:45 on both finals...and got them D.O.N.E. {Insert allll the praise hands!!} 4 papers! WHEW!! Yep...but...D.O.N.E. {shall I repeat it!} :) :) that those are out of my way...I can enjoy my week off and not have to stress over getting anything completed! Today was full of ortho appointments...ya know...all of that fun stuff that you put off and do when you are out of work! ha! Tyler enjoyed a dermo appointment and then did some deer hunting so his day ended on a good note! 

I would say that so far....our break is going fabulous! :)

My view! Luckily the view with my Christmas tree and a candle burning on the other side....helped! Ugghh.....loads of fun I tell ya! I am proud of us....though for buckling down and working hard! :)

Seeee....Tyler is over there! :) :) Working harrrrrddd too to do his 4 papers! So proud of his hard work...even if he had to take a couple more breathers than me to get through! :)
And....this one.....I have to say....he has been super curious...hence....the picture...BUT...he has been soooo good with all the decor! I was super worried because he is one BIG BALL of energy....but he is a good buddy! :)
This afternoon...these two...Camille and Madelyn came over once we were back from allll of our doc appointments to play for a little while! I love this picture though they both are blurred because they were all dying laughing while they were playing and playing together! :) I love their friendship!

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