Monday, November 16, 2020

A chilly but low key weekend!

 We had a low key weekend full of Christmas decor and Lifetime Christmas movie watching!

There wasnt really any football on this weekend so cheesy Christmas movies on Lifetime was just what the doctor ordered! ha!

We had a big dinner at Nan and Pawpaw's yesterday night to kick off the week too! 

Do you spy Tyler? ha! He was a big help with getting our big tree up! Pictures coming soon of all the decor! I love changing up what I do each year {I say it every year} but this year is my favorite! :)

It was such a beautiful weekend so Alexis and WK went with her Mom to hike Bald Rock! They had the best time!
Then the Soriano girls came over and this was my view the rest of the afternoon!
They had no idea I took these pictures! They were cracking me up with all their dance moves/videos they were making!

P and Lily had fun playing too! Pearson is still really into baby dolls so they enjoy pushing the strollers around and taking care of their babies when she is over!

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