Saturday, November 7, 2020

Round 2 here the Eagles come and a President is finally named!

 It was a perfection of a football weathered night for the first round of play-offs!

Alexis had to work it so she was busy selling programs until halftime.She stayed and watched the game with Sydney, SK and Carli and Mrs. Carrie brought all of them home after so she was excited to get to stay with her friends and watch the win! We didnt go but heard it was an awesome win!

Way to go Eagles!

She looookks soooo grrrroown! And...our Thanksgiving/turkey/pumpkin decor will only be in probably this picture because I am IN the Christmas spirit and my decorations are coming out this coming week/weekend! :) other news....finally the vote counts are in and Biden is taking the Presidency. I am just not sure how to feel about this as Biden and his views just have me in all kinds of emotions and so prayer is needed more than ever for our country and guidance for us!


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