Sunday, November 1, 2020

Quarantined Halloween 2020

So Halloween looked alot different this year without our traditional friends and family over! It was super sad because Halloween is one of my most favorite times!

But we made the best out of Halloween 2020 with quarantine and social distancing! We have the sweetest friends who brought sweet treats over and made Lily feel very special since her Halloween looked a little different this year and thankful that Lily was able to quarantine with Caroline and Ella because they are in class together and so they have to do like Lily. 

It broke my heart that Lily was unable to trick or treat but with Caroline and was better for her. Tyler watched football in the house....they got tired of sitting in the garage watching the trick or treaters so they ended up jumping on the trampoline and playing in the back yard while I sat out and monitored the fun in the front. ha!

It was a perfect night with the weather and the HUGE full moon!

We had a ton out, too, which was a little surprising. The pandemic didnt deter the crowds! It for sure was not as many as Halloween's past, but we still had a lot!

We had a great night.....even with the circumstances!

  Lily was my baking and getting ready partner! We both LOVE getting ready.....even if the party is just for us! :)

Hocus Pocus rolls!..................yeah............we had HIGH hopes!

 Total BUST! ha! I am JUST NOT a baker! I texted this to all my friends....and they got a great laugh! I will just make you all a lasagna! :)

I have to say....Tyler, Lily and I enjoyed scraping them out...and they were still good!.......the parts we could eat! :)

Look how cute that cake is I got from Publix! Ahhh!! And....Lily's eyeball cookies she made! So fun!

Meanwhile...Alexis was gone all day. Since Lily has to quarantine....she went over to Sydney's and this group hung out, ate and got ready together before they all went trick or treating together!

Zombie dancer is what she ended up! The graham cracker...with her S'more crew didnt happen....

which was super sad....but she was happy with this!


Our table was ready!

 The Trick or treating crew!

 The quarantine crew

Friends social distancing when they came by to trick or treat!

The Queen of Quarantine!....that is Lily! Such a sweet card from Cassell and Calhoun with sweet treats from Gran, the Rays, the Mobbs and Camille and Madelyn!

Lily got a TON! :)

Sweet friends!


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