Friday, November 13, 2020

Lily's last soccer game...season is a wrap!

 Lily had a great season this time! She was SO happy to be able to play and get back out on the field since it was cancelled due to COVID in the Spring! We dont know what the future holds as to if there will be a season this coming Spring {since it seems COVID cases are rising even more than expected to fall} so we are thankful she got this season in to play!

We trekked out to Heflin last night as they have been coming to us every other game! I dont know how they have done it each week...twice a week...but they have!

Lily played two games. They tied one and lost the last one just because they were tired! They played great!

Lily has loved her team too and playing with friends!


GAME faces! Coach DJ has his hands full! :)
Love my number 3!
These two! They are two awesome soccer players and I cant wait to watch them kill the field if they continue to high school together!
These...we call the dynamic 3! These 3 girls can whoop any of those boys out there! And I am not just saying that! Lily, Elyn and Kayley! {She is in 2nd grade!}
Lily played goalie for a little bit and said it was fun! ha! Great season! Fun watching them!

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