Monday, November 9, 2020

A beautiful weekend and starting our 2nd quarantine week!

 We had such a great weekend! The weather was perfection! We literally stayed home and did pretty much nothing and it was fabulous!

Sunday afternoon.......this biker crew just had to get out and enjoy the day so we had a late picnic and rode the trail! It was so much fun! Lily and Caroline being quarantined together has been a huge blessing because they have facetimed each other, etc and it has really helped Lily to not be alone during this! And since both of them have been without any symptoms, etc the rest of the crew wanted to see them so we social distanced and enjoyed the outdoors by biking and having fun!

It was much needed!

Courtney and Carrie met us because they walked so Alison and I took allll the kids because they all rode!

Soaking up the afternoon!
Love that we are so close to ride the trail from our house! I just love it!
Then later on last night....Alexis and I got cleaned up and went to support the Varsity during the competition showcase. They are headed to qualify for state today in Birmingham! Alexis was pumped that she got to spend the night with Savannah and have an excused day out of school to go support and cheer them on! I hope they make it to state as I am sure they will do great today! we are back at it! ONLY two days left and we have already knocked today OUT! So now just tomorrow and no more quarantine! WHOOP WHOOP! Both girls are out of school Wednesday for Veteran's day so we will soak up the day with NO school activities and then be back in action Thursday!

Today Lily got to meet her friends and Mrs. Real again to gear up for the week! LOADS of fun finishing homework the rest of the afternoon after the meeting!...........but.........we made it and finished!

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