Thursday, November 12, 2020

Back to regular programming!

 TODAY is the DAY....Lily is OUT of quarantine!

NO nothing! Praise!

From what I know, all of her friends/classmates have been good too and Mrs. Real is on the all is well!

Lily and I have enjoyed our quarantine and have made the best out of it though I know she didnt prefer to do the virtual learning and she missed her friends and going to school.

It feels 'weird' to be back in the office today....though I am not hating it and love what I do and my co-workers so its been good!

Last day of quarantine for this one! Alexis was out of school, yesterday, too because school was closed due to Veteran's day! So......check out the scenery behind Lily in this picture...........

and...........look at the scenery now! ha! First day back to school! Back to regular scheduled programming today! Callie was SO excited to walk through the door this morning! She said....'It's good to be back!' ha! They were excited to be united again!

Notice the Christmas tree behind them!......YEP....yesterday we did some decorating and got started putting things out! Both girls did their trees and I did some. Going to tackle the rest this weekend especially since pretty much all football games are cancelled due to one or the other teams out with COVID. Auburns game is cancelled.....BOO!! we shall decorate for Christmas! ha!

Lily has her last soccer game tonight yep, back to regular programming! :)

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