Thursday, November 5, 2020

What's happening!......

 Sooo....we are still in limbo around here!

Still no news on who is President. Trump and his people are saying there will be lawsuits because there are some illegal voting taking place. Biden's team is saying they know they are going to win....

it is just craziness! But....nothing surprising considering we are in 2020 ya know!

Governor Ivey issued the mandatory mask order to continue until mid December. Not surprised by that either.... ya know.......... soooo.....

loads of fun around here!

Lily had a full day of work with a TEAMS meeting mixed in with her class and Mrs. Real today. She was excited to see her teacher and hear her voice and see and speak to her classmates too! It did her heart good however she didnt like all the work Mrs. Real gave her and the tests she had to do after though! ha!

But...having Chick-fila for lunch and then getting to spend the entire afternoon outside playing on this beautiful day made up for all the not so fun stuff! :)

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