Friday, October 30, 2020

Saying goodbye......


the day we had to take down the tree in the front yard! The last storm {Hurricane Zeta} finally made the tree really buckle and pull from the ground to where it was leaning really bad and could fall over at any moment. So...Tyler and I {with the BIG help from Lily...she is a rockstar!....Alexis didnt want to break a sweat....} took down the tree and hauled it to the road. BOY was it some work....and the tree was HUGE! I didnt realize exactly HOW big it was until we started cutting it down! Over 70 feet!

We are going to take down the other tree {when facing the house to the right} at another time because we were just tired. It got struck by lightning and a huge branch split from the last big storm so we cut down some big limbs from it today too but will do the rest later. Our front yard looks like a nightmare {I guess great timing as it is Halloween weekend :)} but Tyler will have it looking fabulous again doubt!

NO doubt we made the MOST of quarantine...Day 2! {Because we technically were in quarantine  {Day 1}and didnt know it because school was closed because of the storms!} Tyler took off at lunch to join the day with us! Little did I know....we would be working...hard...the rest of the afternoon! :)

I just cant get over how our yard looks without the tree!

Our home before the trees......

The tree is massage........and beautiful!

Didnt realize what we were getting into......until it alllll started coming down! ha!

Our little helper............and what's left of our beautiful tree!

Wow at the difference it is! The sun is in full view! We took three big limbs down on the left tree and that one will be gone next.

This cracked me up! As Tyler was trying to drag this huge and heavy piece..we were joking that he was wrangling a bull.....soooooo...Lily rode the bull!


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