Saturday, October 10, 2020

A COVID update

 I havent done an update on the pandemic that the world is still living under in awhile so I thought I would document what the world is like right now as we are trying to navigate this craziness. We are still trying to figure it out. The virus is still the same mystery it was when we first heard of it back in March. It is CRAZY to believe that we have been dealing with this for going on 7 months! Just mind blowing! 

When we first heard about this mystery virus, the U.S. literally shutdown. Schools closed, businesses closed. We were all quarantined. I worked from home until August which I just never thought would happen! It really was a blessing.............but hard at the same time! Trying to juggle and balance work life with home life was tough but once I got in my groove and the girls and I learned how to 'be' with each other.....we were all rocking and rolling! Then school started and the girls were combined {both virtual and in person} for a month. So far....since they have been back full-time, we have been good! We all have gotten back into our more 'normal' groove and the girls thrive at school and love being in school so I am sooo glad that they are back full time! So far we have not had to quarantine either. What is crazy, though, went from....well...we didnt know anyone who had the virus to now...we know tons of people and friends and family have had it now too. It has become not as scary as we have seen that people can get it and barely even be sick. The schools are doing a great job of contact tracing but I have to say...I am on the band wagon with most of the other parents at the school with the fact that if they are anywhere close to a child that has tested positive, they have to go home for 14 days and quarantine. Luckily, we have not had to quarantine, yet, and hopefully and praying we dont but it feels like everyone else I know has had to at some point. For example, one 8th grader tested positive and because of him, 25 {25!!!!!} other students had to be sent home to quarantine. WHEW...want to talk about some MAD parents! Their claim is they are required to wear masks the whole time they are in class and have not even really associated with the 'sick' person yet they have to go home. Missing their football games, etc because they 'may'.......or may not have been around the sick person. Alexis' last football game, there were only two 8th graders out playing. The rest were home quarantined. The 7th grade boys were happy because they actually got to play that game.............soooo........yeah.....there were some not so happy 8th grade boys and parents. We still have to wear masks every where we go. Governor Ivey declared the mask order until November 6th so we shall see if she extends it..................again.

Halloween is coming up...............and the debate is to not have it. Most people say no to it all and then I have seen some friends {on Facebook} say that they are going without a mask for Halloween and that they will be the 'scary' ones! How crazy is that! ha! If you dont wear a mask are looked at with the most dirty looks and disgust. I dont even know what it is like to not wear a mask now. It is just second nature now. I have a mask for every outfit! Especially Alexis. OH my GRACIOUS...the girl. She begs to wear my masks if she feels hers doesnt go with what she is wearing! She is constantly asking to buy more masks..................strictly for the fashion aspect. She could careless if it protects her from anything or not! {shake my head!} 

It is said that there will be a vaccine soon and then things can go back to 'normal.' Let me tell ya...I will not be one of the 1st ones to get that shot! We have known about cancer for decades....have no cure. We know allll about RSV...yet cant come up with a vaccine....but we are going to have a vaccine ready {to inject the world or spray out to everyone...whatever they come up with first} for a virus that we really know nothing about. We dont know how it for sure spreads. We dont understand how there are sooooo many different symptoms and how it effects each and every person differently. YOU CAN even have it without even being sick! Just CRAZY!

Businesses are slowly opening back up because they just cant sustain staying closed yet there have been soooo many that have had to shut their doors permanently.  Most restaurants are still only drive-thru though if they are is under 50% capacity. Stores have eased up on making us only enter certain doors or walk down only certain aisles. {Thank goodness on that because I even had one old man look and huf at me because he thought I was going down the aisle the 'wrong way' yet when he looked down and saw the was HIM! He wasnt paying attention and almost hit me with his buggy because he was pushing the wrong way!} Sooooo...that is a little update of our world lately. There is soooo much more I could talk about on this know...I am just tired. I am tired about dealing with this and I just pray that everyone is heeding God's purpose for this virus and growing closer to Him.

Speaking of hit home when my sweet cousin passed from COVID this week. James and Jan are two of my most favorite people. Their house was two down from Nannie's and growing up I would play and play with Brad and Tyler at their house when I would go over to Nannie and Pawpaw's. Well...James had double lung transplants 7 years ago. He has been weaker since and well, he wasnt scared of this crazy virus. He didnt wear masks really anywhere and well, he caught it. The virus was overcome but because of it, he developed pneumonia and just couldnt recover. He passed away leaving his best friend of 50 years. They just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary the week before he got sick. Big prayers to Jan, Tyler and Brad and the rest of their family. He will be missed. COVID is real. There is no doubt. But...on the flip side of it, we can not live in a bubble or a hole. We must live our lives and practice precautions and social distance as we do. Continuing to close down cities and our lives is just not safe or good for anyone as it is leading to depression, suicides, bankruptcies,  etc because of the effects. Soo....I could go on and on. It is just all so sad. It is tough. It is just crazy times but one thing that is God's faithfulness and love. Looking to Him and giving it to Him will help get us through.

His jokes and his laugh made the room a happy place when he was in it! He will be missed!

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