Thursday, October 22, 2020

Deserves a post of its own!

 There are really no words. This picture means a thousand of them.

Alexis had such a tough year in 3rd grade. 

She cried everyday.

I cried everyday.

Her teacher was just not caring and supportive and just not loving and happy to be teaching.

It makes a huge difference as a child is dependent upon the teacher's attitude and spirit. 

It just does and when Alexis' had what she did...every single was so hard.

Now, yes, Alexis' teacher prepared her for 4th grade. Alexis was ready. No doubt about that.

Yes, Alexis was and is a social butterfly who likes to talk to her friends any chance she can get....and even chances she isnt supposed to have.

I know that. She knows that. The teachers know that.



there is a difference. A BIG difference in how you love the students you have.

Alexis did not have that.

Alexis' only year {thus far that I can vouch for} that she did not have a kind and caring and loving teacher. It was a tough year and I was sooooo thankful that we both survived 3rd grade. I was also so thankful that 4th grade came and every single one of those teachers {because Alexis' switched classes with almost all of them} helped us restore our 'good' feelings about school and teachers and everything in between. I can NOT imagine having Alexis' teacher for Lily especially during the pandemic and how it all has been crazy with it too. OH my...there are just no words, it would have been worse with how she is, no doubt!

So, fast forward to Lily coming up to 3rd.

I dreaded it from the time Alexis was in 3rd until Lily was in that grade. I knew I would literally be sick to my stomach if Lily had the same teacher that Alexis did.

The day we got the teacher letters............

my heart..throat.....body was in knots until I saw that Lily had Mrs. Real.

I didnt {at the time} know Mrs. Real. I had heard that she was a good teacher. That she was firm when she needed to be but loving and caring and devoted to helping and teaching her kids.

Let me tell you. This lady is an answered prayer!

I am so beyond thankful Lily has her. She has been the best Lily has had {and she has had great past teachers} but she has just been wonderful during a time I was dreading. Physically and mentally dreading for years now.

Thank you Mrs. Real for being the light that we needed and my Momma heart feels sooooo good to know Lily is loved, learning, happy and being taken care of!

Lily talked non-stop for a week leading up to her game...that Mrs. Real was coming to watch her! She was SOOO excited she came and just loves her teacher!

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