Friday, October 30, 2020

Pumpkin carving!

 Our annual pumpkin carving is alllllways so much fun!

The girls drew how they wanted their pumpkins to be and Daddy helped make it happen! I just took pictures! ha!

Our fun night kind of got turned upside down...when I got a call from the school nurse telling us Lily has to quarantine for 14 days since her teacher tested positive for COVID. We had to take a brief pause and talk about what we were facing...and help Lily understand...and get over the shock of missing our Halloween tradition and school. She ended up being okay with only a small melt-down which was totally called for because a 9 year old just doesnt understand this whole craziness...that even her Mom doesnt either!

Sooo.....Halloween is going to look a little different this year.....and we wont have friends and family over like our past traditions...but that isnt going to stop us from making it the best we can!

Big prayers for Lily as we navigate quarantine and that she doesnt get it along with the rest of her classmates and that her teacher, Mrs. Real feels better fast!

Drawing and carving!

Lily could not wait to get her hands on the 'guts' of the pumpkin!

Digging it out! ha!

I would say...her picture looks just how the pumpkin turned out!

So does Alexis'!

The carved pumpkins fit riiight in!

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