Monday, October 26, 2020

Never dull!

 We had a nice and relaxing weekend! Caught up on cleaning, loads...and loads of laundry, sheets, nick nack 'to do's' that needed to be done....ya know...allllll the little things that you just put off during the week.....

It rained most Saturday so we stayed in our pjs most of the day and enjoyed being at home. Though we didnt have much going on.........there is nevvvverrrr a dull moment.

Let me explain!.........................

So, I was on my third load of laundry when our dryer popped up saying AF. Let me explain our dryer. So during 'quarantine' we had a long list of just things that went wrong, broke, etc that we had to work on, fix or replace. Well, our dryer was one of those. So....despite Tyler having dryer parts at every turn....there was just no fixing our old dryer so we had to get a new one. Well our new one is fannnnncy. It tells you anything that is wrong with it. So, it popped up AF and cut off. Well, AF stands for 'air flow' which then is supposed to tell us that the lent area needs to be cleaned out. didnt need to be cleaned out. It was clear. thing I know...

Tyler has the dryer pulled out from its spot and is telling me to come here and where to stand.

So....I do as I am told and the next thing I know...

Tyler is bringing in his huge gas powered blower (with it running) and shoves it down the air vent and tells me to hold it and to press the accelerator while he goes and checks something. YOU DONT understand the picture of what is going on! I am in the most awkward position....holding his HUGE blower that is literally shaking my arm off as I am trying to press the switch down to 'make it accelerate' all while it is SO loud and the gas fumes are just taking over the laundry room and our house.

I was dying. I had tears coming down my face from sheer stress of the whole having to hold it and what was happening.

So Tyler comes back...has to jerk it out of the vent...and cuts it off. Meanwhile...I am a frazzled mess and I cant feel my arm/hand and it smells sooooooooo bad in our house that we decide to open alllll the doors and let it air out.


So...THANK GOODNESS...we have Aubie and Soccer locked in the playroom with Lily while this is happening... so....we are sitting in the living room trying to watch football and recoup...when a CHIPMUNK just comes bebopping in our HOUSE through the back porch door!


Takes OFF running throughout our house! I wish I could have gotten this whooooollle thing on camera from beginning to end! After about 15 minutes of pure chaos ....Tyler and I successfully got the thing out! It was touch and go...............up until the end! OH ME! I was spent and DONE after alll of that! :)

We worked on Halloween costumes since this week will be full of Halloween fun!

Daddy helped Lily get started! It is a surprise as to what they are going to be! Cant wait to show pictures of the final costumes! :)

Lily worked hard on hers!

 Alexis...still in her pjs...working on hers! Both costumes are so creative and they worked so hard on them!

Then...Daddy saw where some of his baseball cars could be worth around $1,000!!! Soo...he pulled them out and they all enjoyed looking through them! Then he FOUND one...but didnt realize it was ones that are flawed that are the most expensive. His isnt flawed! Bummer but they had fun looking!

The thousand dollar card.......until he realized his didnt have the 'flaw' :)

 Sunday...she looked soooo cute for Church! And..she dressed her giraffe up in its Halloween costume too!


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