Thursday, October 1, 2020

Lily's first soccer game!

 We finally got to watch Lily back in action tonight! We were so disappointed that her season was cancelled in the Spring due to COVID. She loves soccer so seeing her sad that she wasnt going to get to play broke my heart. We had plans for her to play back in the Anniston PARD league in the Spring but since that didnt happen, and we werent sure they would allow soccer in the Fall, we went ahead and signed her up at Jacksonville because we knew they would have a Fall season. She was SO excited to get to play. She didnt care that it wasnt at Anniston and we like the Jacksonville program so we have been waiting for today.....for months! got chilly. My goodness the weather. I think we are going to have a cooler Fall and a cold Winter based on how it has been lately but I didnt let the chill stop me and we enjoyed cheering her on! She played a great game but we could for sure tell that quarantine affected her energy but she still played a great game and even scored her 1st goal of the season too!

Bennett and Lily! I love their sweet connection!

 In action!

 She played so good!

 Lily vs Bennett! ha!

 Besides...what seemed like her favorite thing to do...kick the ball out of bounds...scoring her 1st goal of the season happened too!  Cant wait to watch her in action next week!


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